Fully Integrated Independent Film Studio

Producing premium content for a global audience.

We specialize in producing premium content for global audiences, fully financing scripted and non-scripted cinema, including documentaries. Our base and studio facilities are located at Penzing Studios in Munich, Germany, which features some of the world's largest sound stages on a backlot extending over 270 hectares. We are also a leading player in virtual production, driving innovation for the next-generation production platform.

Current release

In post-production

In production

In pre-production


Bridging the worlds of Hollywood and indie cinema.

Operating within Penzing Studios provides access to a creative and digital media hub, along with a wide range of services, including production, co-production, and expert guidance on maximizing financial incentives like tax credits and regional subsidies.

Embracing innovation in media creation through digital and virtual production.

Innovation drives our approach as we revolutionize our filmmaking with virtual production. At Penzing Studios, home to Europe’s leading state-of-the-art virtual production facility, we leverage cutting-edge technology and techniques to streamline workflows and achieve unprecedented cost efficiencies, benefiting from the full potential of virtual production.

Fresh eyes. Sparring partners. Problem solvers. Trusted confidants. Tenacious consiglieres. Pains in your neck. Fast talkers. Quick workers.